The Life Changing Meeting!

Some times I think to myself that when I am out in streets with my camera, no one is safe from my shootings! I imagine myself to be like a maniac in killing spree! I then laugh to myself to this amusing thought! 

In this one, I could sneak in closely, looking around and without grabbing anyone’s attention (Except that girl behind perhaps!) and took this picture immediately. What amuses me most here is the looks of the people who are involved in this important decision making meeting, especially the kid, and then the man on the left.  I wish I could disturb them and ask them what they are talking about!

The secret of taking contemplative street photos is one thing, CHANCE! and there is only one way to increase your chance! You already know what that is I guess!

Taken July 2021

Rovinj, Croatia

people are talking in an alley in Rovinj Croatia
Meeting in an alley in Rovinj, Croatia

  • Aperture: ƒ/7.1
  • Camera: ILCE-7M3
  • Focal length: 32mm
  • ISO: 160
  • Shutter speed: 1/160s

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