
This image is part of the collaboration project “Gothenburg, City of Light” between Mitra ( @Mitrab_ ) and Mehdi in Gothenburg. Feel free to take a look at more photos in this project here! Hope you enjoy!

Read more about the art on the right hand side of the window, Reflecting Holons here!

Art: Reflecting Holons, Creator: Michiel Martens and Jetske Visser /photo by: Mehdipixel
Art: Reflecting Holons, Creator: Michiel Martens and Jetske Visser /photo by: Mehdipixel
  • Aperture: ƒ/4
  • Camera: ILCE-7M3
  • Focal length: 17mm
  • ISO: 10000
  • Shutter speed: 1/125s
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