Winter in Gothenburg

Usually Gothenburg city does not have a real winter! (oh, yes! it doesn’t snow often in this city of Sweden, surprise!!), but this year the enjoyable and rare minus temperatures, in combination with snow created beautiful sceneries, at least for few weeks!

The photo below is taken from Keillers park, a hill facing the Göta river. In the image two iconic structures of the city can be seen, Eriksberg Crane, and älvsborgsbron. Also two huge (well, relatively!) Stena line ferries can be seen on the river. 

You can find more interesting pictures below. For example one of such sceneries is at the banks of Göta älv (= river) where the edge of the river is frozen. 

Taken Feb 2021, Gothenburg

Sunset in Gothenburg, Sweden (Taken Feb 2021)
Sunset in Gothenburg, Sweden (Taken Feb 2021)
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